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 * all OWrite licenses include PDFDevice and OSpell2, all JS-OWrite licenses include PDFDevice
** 12 month free technical support for one technical contact

Important Notes: -


- deployment licenses include free 12 months maintenance updates and feature upgrades. Thereafter, the optional annual maintenance and upgrades subscription is charged at 30% of the license fee. Without a maintenance subscription, upgrade fees apply for both minor and major version releases.


- deployment licenses do not include developer support. If you require developer support please add one of the above developer support subscription to your basket.


- you may not install software licensed for desktop deployment on servers. Studio JSC servers require server license that are priced differently.


- unless stated otherwise, Omnis Studio deployment licenses are licensed for use with Studio 8.1 or later.


- limited deployment licenses must include, within the user count, the total number of developers and users who have the software installed on their desktops and other devices.


Last Updated: 31 July 2023 � Brainy Data Limited